The Secret to Perfect Mashed Potatoes: A TikTok Twist!

Mashed potatoes are more than just a side dish in my family; they’re a treasured tradition that unite us all. Furthermore, nothing quite beats the coziness and gratification of creamy mashed potatoes, despite my best efforts to offer healthier alternatives. That is, until I came across a TikTok tip that revolutionized this traditional dish.

Using chicken stock, user Jourdyn, also known as @jeauxp on TikTok, shared a creative take on classic mashed potatoes. I was intrigued by this out-of-the-ordinary concept and made the decision to test it out to see whether it could live up to the buzz.

I was astonished and delighted to see what amazing results we got. The potatoes’ flavor was elevated to a whole new level by the subtle umami flavor that the chicken stock added. The best part was that, when boiling, leaving the skins on gave the dish an incredibly appealing rustic feel.

Inspired by this unexpected gastronomic discovery, I kept experimenting. My personal favorite was the mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives added to them. Everybody at the table was amazed with the presentation and the fantastic flavor combo.

Mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives

However, my gastronomic adventure on TikTok didn’t end there. Along the road, I learned even more amazing techniques. For instance, I discovered that a dash of nutmeg can give spinach a completely different flavor profile. And who would have guessed that hardened brown sugar might be softened by a piece of plain bread?

I’ll tell you what, these unorthodox tips have not only increased my culinary skills but also given my food a unique flair. It’s incredible how a minor adjustment or surprising addition can make all the difference in a recipe.

So the next time you’re making mashed potatoes, why not give these unusual twists a go if you’re feeling daring? You never know when you might find your new go-to recipe while experimenting with unusual ingredients or trying out TikTok hacks. Your taste buds will appreciate it, I promise!


Likely, you’ve been there before. You make a decision to deviate slightly from your usual course of action at the last minute.

You switch up your coffee routine or leave the office a little sooner. The smallest shift in your daily routine can have a profound effect.

You unexpectedly run into a long-lost acquaintance, or you get home from work early and discover that your spouse has been cheating on you.

Sometimes the shifts are minor, and other times they’re monumental.

Something like what occurred to Malissa Sergent Lewis when she took a different route to work one day last summer.

Malissa Sergent Lewis was running late for work at her elementary school in Kentucky one morning in the summer of 2016.

Malissa wanted to get there faster, so she took a back road instead than the main highway.

Malissa will always be grateful for your choice.

That day, the road was empty, except for one thing: a trash bag.

But this was no ordinary garbage bag; it seemed to be alive.

“I saw this trash bag in the road, and I thought to myself, ‘Did I just see that bag move?’ The closer I got, I realized it was moving,” Malissa told The Dodo.

Malissa felt she had to open the sack and see what was living inside.

Since she had no idea what was in the bag, she stepped out of the car and approached it gingerly.

Malissa understood that whatever was inside the bag didn’t get there on its own because the bag was tied.

Malissa carefully ripped apart the bag’s corner to have a look inside.

What was inside was even more surprising.

“It was a puppy. And he sure was glad to see me. As soon as I opened it up, and he saw light, he just started wagging his tail. I couldn’t believe it,” Malissa told The Dodo.

The dog was found in the middle of the road, having been put in a trash bag. Even if the small kid was only in there for a second, it would have been too long.

The puppy had a collar on, but no identification tags.

Since Malissa couldn’t bear to abandon the puppy, she drove him with her to class.

The puppy was eventually taken back to Malissa’s house by her son. After that, he and Malissa took the puppy to the vet to get checked out and immunized.

It’s unclear how the dog came to be in a bag on the side of the road.

Malissa called animal control after becoming concerned that the puppy would be abandoned or stolen.

The dog, however, was not reported as lost, and no one came forward to claim him.

Fortunately, Malissa and her family have adopted the puppy, so he will receive the care and attention he deserves. However, she is at a loss to fathom who would carry out such a heinous act.

“Who could do something like that to any animal? I don’t care who you are; everybody loves puppies. It’s a real coldhearted person to put an animal, any animal, in a garbage bag and dump it on the side of the road,” Malissa’s told The Dodo.

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