Phil Donahue and Marlo Thomas wrote a book about marriage. It’s called “What Makes a Marriage Last: 40 Celebrated Couples Share with Us the Secrets.” In the book, they talk about their own marriage and share secrets from other couples.

Even though Marlo has been married to Phil for more than 40 years, she admits that when she was younger, she didn’t really want to get married.

In the book, Marlo Thomas talks about how she used to think marriage was like a vacuum cleaner that sucks out all your energy and ambition. She felt like living with a jailer you had to please.

But everything changed when she met Phil Donahue. They found each other after Phil’s first marriage ended, and now they have a strong bond that has lasted their whole lives.

Phil Donahue became famous with his TV show, “The Phil Donahue Show,” which later became just “Donahue.” It ran for 29 years and was the first show to let the audience join in. Marlo Thomas was a guest on his show, and meeting her changed Phil’s life.

The couple first met in Chicago in 1977. Phil Donahue already had four boys with him, and his fifth child, a daughter, lived with his ex-wife and her mother in another place.

Marlo and Phil dated for three years before getting married in 1980 in a small ceremony with 35 people.

Marlo’s friends and family were surprised by her decision to get married, given her past views on marriage. The book tells a funny story about friends at Marlo’s bridal shower putting up quotes from her that showed her previous thoughts about marriage.

According to the book, Marlo’s mom was really surprised at their wedding and kept asking Phil, “How did you get her to do this?” Even strangers, like a woman on their honeymoon plane to Greece, were shocked and disappointed that Marlo, who was known for being independent, decided to settle down.

In the book, Marlo admits that this made her doubt her choice. She wondered if she was being hypocritical since she had criticized marriage for so long. She worried that she let down fans who saw her as a symbol of independence.

Despite the challenges, Phil and Marlo make their marriage work. They talk about the ups and downs in the book, saying that those tough times helped strengthen their bond.

In the early days of their marriage, they spent time apart because Phil was taping his show in Chicago, and Marlo was traveling for her acting career. Even though they weren’t always living together, Marlo’s aunt helped her see that marriage can mean different things to different people.

Despite the distance, Marlo and Phil made their marriage successful. And one important thing to note is that Marlo not only gained a husband but also gained children when she got married.

In a 2012 interview with AARP, Marlo Thomas talked about helping to raise Phil’s children. She knew they already had a traditional mother, so she didn’t try to take on that role. Instead, she became more like a friend to Phil’s children, just like her own mother was to her.

Marlo says that her relationship with Phil’s children is even stronger now than when she first married Phil. In the book, Phil emphasizes that Marlo spent a lot of time talking to and trying to understand his sons.

Phil and Marlo think that the key to their long marriage is the trust they have in each other. Marlo says, “You build trust when you realize that this person always has your back.”

Even though they’ve been married for over 40 years, they believe there are still more memories to create together.

Phil says that for a marriage to last, both people have to really want it. Marlo agrees and says that looking back, she wouldn’t have it any other way than being married to Phil. She points out that he has supported her in every possible way.

Marriage is a wonderful connection, especially when two people fully commit to it. This couple is truly inspiring and sets a great example for all of us. We should all aim for a relationship as successful as theirs!

Jim Jordan’s Major Announcement: What’s the Buzz?

Two Republican committee chairmen, James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, have reinitiated their inquiry into President Joe Biden, alleging potential interference with his son Hunter Biden’s cooperation in the House’s impeachment investigation.

A statement from the White House impIied President Joe Biden was aware of Hunter’s intention to defy congressional subpoenas, prompting the investigation.

The statement read: “The Committees issued subpoenas to Hunter Biden for a deposition to be conducted on December 13, 2023. In correspondence with Mr. Biden’s attorney prior to the scheduled deposition, the Committees addressed and dismissed Mr. Biden’s justifications for non-compliance with the subpoenas, as well as his request for special treatment.”

In December, the United States House of Representatives voted to formally authorize an investigation into President Joe Biden’s potential impeachment.

With a party-line vote of 221-212, the Republican-controlled chamber endorsed the inquiry, probing whether Biden unlawfully benefited from his son Hunter Biden’s international business ventures. Hunter Biden had earlier declined an invitation to testify privately.

Newly appointed House Speaker Mike Johnson recently discussed the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, asserting, “We have a duty to pursue it.”

“These are serious times and this is a very serious matter. Next to the Declaration of W*r, impeachment may be the most consequential power Congress holds. That constitutional responsibility rests with the House,” Johnson began at a press briefing.

“We must pursue the facts wherever they lead. Facts are stubborn things, as John Adams famously said. These facts are alarming to the American people and to us. While we take no pleasure in these proceedings, we have a duty to act. We are proud of the work of Chairmen Comer, Jordan, and Smith. They have diligently uncovered evident corru ption involving President Biden and the Biden family. We owe it to the American people to continue this process methodically and transparently,” Johnson added.

He continued, “To do this appropriately and uphold our constitutional duty, we need time and a sound process. Rushing is not an option if we are to remain faithful to the Constitution. The chairmen are committed to proceeding in this manner. We have heard from whistleblowers, Biden business associates, legal experts, and now it is crucial to hear from key witnesses.”

“The chairmen have issued subpoenas, and we expect them to be complied with promptly. We are not making any prejudgments. We will follow the facts wherever they lead. I fully support our chairmen in their efforts, and we will have more updates in the days ahead. Now, we will take some questions.”

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