Tattoos are just one of many ways to express one’s individuality. While some people go with a little tattoo, others go all out, decorating entire body parts.
Tristan Weigelt, a 26-year-old tattoo apprentice covered in extreme body art, made headlines after showing what he looked like prior to using his body as a canvas.
The before photos were astounding.
Weigelt’s journey to covering 95 percent of his body in tattoos began when he was 20.
“It’s kind of weird looking at myself without all the tattoos,” he told the Daily Star.
“But funnily enough I still feel exactly the same as before on the inside.”
Out of all the tattoos, he said the most painful were the ones he got on his face and head, comparing it to being scraped with a metal brush.
“It was six full day sessions taking between five and six hours and the pain was probably an eight out of 10.”
While many people get a tattoo with a special meaning in mind, Weigelt said there are no hidden messages or meanings behind his body art.
After five years, Weigelt has spent $50,000 on tattoos.
For those considering a tattoo, Weigelt says, “Get what you love and what makes sense to you. I see so many people worried about a certain tattoo fitting them or it not being their style. If you like it – then get it.”
Wow. What an incredible transformation!
Would you ever consider getting tattoos on your entire body? I’m not sure I would.

Some visuals possess such profound warmth and tenderness that they captivate us effortlessly. One such image depicts a young boy assisting his father in warming his two premature twin sisters, evoking a sense of deep connection and compassion.
Originally shared on the Danish Facebook page “Parents and Birth in Denmark” approximately three years ago, this heartwarming photo has resurfaced, garnering renewed attention and appreciation.
In recent years, Scandinavian maternity centers have adopted an innovative approach to caring for their newborns.

Known as the “skin-to-skin” method, or “Kangaroo care,” this practice involves placing premature infants in direct contact with their parents’ skin, providing them with warmth, comfort, and emotional support during a critical phase of their early development.
Research from the National Institute of Health indicates that this method effectively reduces pain and stress among preterm babies, facilitating their recovery and overall well-being.
The impact of this approach has been profound, with Scandinavian maternity centers reporting a significant increase in the survival rate of premature infants, from 30% to an impressive 70%.
One poignant image illustrating this method depicts a 5-year-old boy assisting his father, with one newborn nestled on the father’s chest and the other cradled tenderly by the young boy.
In this tranquil moment, all participants appear at ease, experiencing the profound benefits of this gentle and nurturing practice.

As the image continues to resonate across the internet, it serves as a poignant reminder of the power of human connection and the transformative impact of love and compassion in the earliest stages of life.
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