Owner tells dog he passed all the treats to the cats, over 200 million have watched his reply

Known as the ‘epitome of canine hilarity,’ this viral sensation has solidified its reputation with an impressive 205 million views. Dubbed ‘The Summit of Doggy Comedy’ across YouTube, this video, celebrated for its contagious laughter, has recently made a triumphant return, much to the joy of its dedicated fan base.

Within this uproarious one-minute and twenty-second gem, a dog parent indulges in a lively exchange with their furry companion, all centered around delectable treats from the meat drawer.

The comedic brilliance lies in the seamless incorporation of a voiceover by the owner, crafting the illusion that the dog is actively engaged in the conversation.

The banter begins with the owner casually mentioning the contents of the meat drawer, highlighting the tantalizing presence of maple bacon. The dog’s responses, filled with humorous “yeahs” and “okays”, create the illusion of participation.

The interplay of the owner’s robust, masculine voice and the dog’s charmingly innocent and ‘goofy’ demeanor heightens the comedic charm, beautifully complementing the canine’s adorable eyes and curious nature.

As the dialogue unfolds, a surprising twist emerges. The owner admits to having enjoyed the maple bacon himself, leaving the dog in suspense. The dog’s reactions, a blend of disappointment and disbelief, are humorously conveyed through expressive “yeah?” and “yeah?” responses, seemingly pleading for a taste of the coveted bacon.

The storyline takes an unforeseen direction when the owner confesses to indulging in other delicacies from the meat drawer, including beef and chicken smothered in cheese and cat treats. With each revelation, the dog’s hopeful anticipation transforms into audible yawns, cleverly edited to convey profound disappointment.

The impeccable comedic timing and inventive editing effectively magnify the absurdity of the scenario.

Predictably, the video swiftly catapulted to viral status, amassing a staggering 205 million views and still climbing. Viewer feedback consistently reflects the consensus that this creation stands unrivaled in the realm of online hilarity.

Remarks like: “Eternally the pinnacle of internet entertainment”, and “A source of morale for eight years straight!” underscore the enduring adoration for this canine comedic masterpiece.

It’s clear that this uproarious exchange strikes a chord with audiences on a deeply personal level, as many can envision themselves engaging in similar banter with their own beloved pets. With its timeless charm, this video seems destined to continue spreading joy well into the future.

If you’ve yet to experience the infectious laughter this gem inspires, treat yourself and hit ‘play’ on the video below. And don’t forget to share this comedic treasure with your loved ones for an instant mood lift.

If you’ve yet to experience the infectious laughter this gem inspires, treat yourself and hit ‘play’ on the video below. And don’t forget to share this comedic treasure with your loved ones for an instant mood lift.

Parent’s devastating decision – forced to pull the plug on 13-year-old daughter after sleepover horror

Devastated parents forced to pull the plug on their 13-year-old daughter after sleepover horror. They’ve now issued a warning to spare others from the same tragedy.
When Esra Haynes died, she was just 13 years old, and the reason for her tragic death is bizarre.

This young girl who was referred to as “determined, fun, cheeky and talented” by the Montrose Football Netball Club that she co-captained, got caught in a viral craze called chrominghttps://comsoftvn.com/in-order-to-pick…a-tiny-stray-dog/, which involves inhaling toxic chemicals through the mouth or nose to get high.

Esra was an athlete and lead a healthy life, racing BMX bikes with her brothers, and leading her team to a national aerobics’ championship in Queensland. But all that was taken away from her after a wrong decision she made on March 31 during a sleepover at a friend’s house.


As she wanted to be part of the viral trend, Esra inhaled a toxic amount of aerosol deodorant and went into cardiac arrest, sustaining irreparable brain damage.

Her parents were devastated. Appearing on A Current Affair with host Ally Langdon, they spoke of the heartbreak and the fatal consequences of inhaling toxic chemicals in an attempt to prevent something similar from happening to other naive young people.

“It was just the regular routine of going to hang out with her mates,” her mom Andrea, told Langdon in the interview. Her father Paul added, “We always knew where she was and we knew who she was with.

It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary…To get this phone call at that time of night, (it) was one of the calls no parent ever wants to have to receive, and we unfortunately got that call: ‘Come and get your daughter.’”

Initially, her friends weren’t aware how serious Esra’s condition was. They only thought she was having a panic attack, not aware that their friends was dying right in front of their eyes. “But after inhaling deodorant, her body was actually starting to shut down, she was in cardiac arrest and no one at the sleepover used cardiac arrest,” Langdon explained.

When her mom arrived by Esra’s side, paramedics were trying to revive her and told Andrea that her daughter had been chroming, a word that the scared mother heard for the first time ever.

Esra was transferred to the hospital and was placed on life support, but just eight hours later, the parents were told that her brain was damaged beyond repair and that needed to make a decision to turn the life support off.

Knowing there was nothing that could be done, Andrea and Paul called relatives and family members to say their final goodbyes. “It was a very, very difficult thing to do to such a young soul. She was put onto a bed so we could lay with her. We cuddled her until the end.”

Esra’s siblings, Imogen, Seth and Charlie are have been shattered ever since their sister is gone.

“It was really devastating, devastating for everyone involved, all her friends as well,” Paul said. “It’s been the most difficult, traumatic time any parent could go through. We haven’t been sleeping, we’ve hardly been eating, we haven’t been smiling–we’re not ourselves…But it’s not just affected us, it’s the community as well.”

Following Esra’s passing, Andrea and Paul are doing all in their power to put an end to the crazy viral craze that took their daughter’s life.

Speaking to 7 News, Paul said he wished he knew of chroming when Esra was still alive, so he could have warned her of the dangers: “If we were educated and the word had been put out there, we would have had the discussion around our kitchen table for sure.

“We need to ramp it up and let these kids find out the information first-hand, and not through friends, and not through social media–then they’re given the right advice off the bat.”
Esra isn’t the first victim of chroming. Over the years, a number of young people lost their lives from the consequences of it as it can easily lead to seizures, heart attack, suffocation, sudden sniffing death, coma, and organ failure.

“We’ve got the pictures in our mind which will never be erased, you know, of what we were confronted with,” Paul told Langdon. “Our gut was ripped out.”

We are so very sorry for this family’s loss and we wish no parent ever experiences such heartbreak.

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