Optical illusion reveals what kind of lover you are

Optical illusions exist to trick our mind into believing that we see something that doesn’t really exist or into lacking to see the obvious.

Either way, they are fun and trigger discussions. They also make us think deeply about their meaning and about what they truly represent.

The following optical illusion can help you determine what kind of lover you are based on what figure you notice first.

Being aware of this fact is sometimes crucial in building a relationship with someone.

Every bonding with the person we love is mostly grounded on communication and mutual understanding. The feelings involved are of course a crucial part of the decision to be with someone or not.

The following test will also reveal your personal method of showing your love.

This knowledge can deepen the romantic involvement with your other half and help you understand and appreciate your partner even more.

Now take a look at the image and note the first thing you notice.

These are the explanations based on your answer:

The Face:

If the face is the first thing you notice, it shows that you are determined and have your goals straight in life. You always have a plan about your next move that you are ready to fulfill with unshakable confidence. You have a reputation that you are often correct and you are born to be a leader.

As a lover, you believe that finding the time to spend together with the person you love is crucial for a successful relationship. Having someone find the time for you besides their hectic schedule is a valuable love expression. But you are wiling to do the same and make your loved one a priority.

The Trees:

You are likely someone who experienced emotional heartbreak in the past and when there comes the time for a new love, you carry the baggage from your previous love experience. You are a sensitive individual and what doesn’t leave a mark on someone else can entirely take up your mind for a long time. However, besides the scars, you don’t lose hope.

As a lover, you believe that a relationship works best if you open up. When you share your pain and deepest fears with the person you are with, you experience something deep and meaningful. To you, even a shred of emotional availability is immensely appreciated.

The Wolf:

You are likely defined as someone passionate and someone who has no lack of confidence when it comes to initiating your love desires. You are also an initiator of a great party and now how to make people feel comfortable around you. Always at the center of attention with your wit.

Your love language is physical touch. You are passionate and the physical acts of intimate love-making mean much more than words to you. The reason for this is because you have learned much more from actions than you ever did from words. You show your love to your partner through sweet and tiny physical gestures. Playing rough occasionally is your thing, but it is the gentle cuddling and nuzzling that let your soft side shine.

The Moon:

You are a dreamer who loves dancing and writing, as well as appreciating other people’s expression of these forms of art. You find inspiration in the world’s creative and spiritual side.

You express your love through art. As a lover, all of your creative work has something from your loved one tied into it. If you write a poem, you consider it an act of dedication, while a painting incorporates elements of the way your partner looks like, such as the color of their hair or eyes. Before you express your love, you need to be sure it’s the right thing.

The House:

What you seek in a relationship is the security you feel at home. You are someone who finds happiness in being mostly at home with the one you love. A perfect scene for you is sitting in front of a fire, wrapped in a blanket and feeling the coziness of your place.

You show your love by providing for the person you are with. When they are hungry, you are happy to go to the kitchen and prepare a delicious meal for them. This small act is your secret and personal method of telling the person exactly how much you adore them and how much they mean to you.


When it comes to a sumptuous and savory meal, prime rib takes the crown. This cut of beef is known for its tenderness, juiciness, and rich flavor. If you want to impress your guests or simply treat yourself to a special meal, mastering the art of cooking prime rib is a must. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process, from selecting the perfect prime rib to serving it likе a pro.

Selecting the Right Prime Rib

Choosing the Cut

Selecting the right prime rib is the first step to culinary success. Look for a bone-in prime rib roast weighing between 6-8 pounds. The bone enhances the flavor and juiciness of the meat.

Seasoning and Preparation

Before you start cooking, season the prime rib with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, and pepper. For an extra burst of flavor, consider inserting optional garlic cloves into the roast using a paring knife.

Cooking the Perfect Prime Rib

Initial Roasting

  1. Preheat your oven to a scorching 500°F (260°C).
  2. Place the prime rib roast on a rack in a roasting pan.
  3. Rub the roast with olive oil and generously season it with salt and pepper.
  4. If desired, you can insert garlic cloves into the roast using a paring knife for a delightful infusion of flavor.

Roasting to Perfection

  1. Place the roasting pan in the oven and roast the prime rib at 500°F for 15 minutes. This high-temperature initial roast will seal in the juices and create a flavorful crust on the outside.
  2. Reduce the oven temperature to 325°F (160°C) and continue roasting the prime rib until it reaches your desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature for precision. For medium-rare, aim for 135°F (57°C). Medium enthusiasts should target 140°F (60°C), while those who prefer well-done should go for 150°F (66°C).
  3. Remove the roast from the oven and allow it to rest for 15-20 minutes before slicing and serving. Resting is crucial to retain the juices and ensure a succulent prime rib.

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