The Must-Have Kitchen Tool That Makes Prepping Herbs So Much Easier

There is no comparison between fresh and dried herbs. In raw meals such as salads, dressings, pesto, and garnishes, fresh herbs are indispensable. They have a superior flavor and taste than their dry counterparts. Their main disadvantage is a lack of preparation. Dried herbs are ready to use, but fresh herbs must be washed, stripped, and chopped. Depending on the herb, this process might be highly time-consuming.

If you enjoy utilizing fresh herbs, meet the herb remover, an underutilized tool that can help you prepare them faster.Herb strippers, as the name implies, aid in the removal of leaves from stems. They have varied sized holes to accommodate different herbs. Simply insert the stem into the tiniest hole it will fit into and drag it through until all the leaves fall off. Some strippers have large enough holes to remove kale or other green crops.

Some models may also have a blade, allowing you to strip and chop herbs with the same tool. Others have attached bowls to catch the leaves as they pass through the openings. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way people cook with fresh herbs. After seeing how rapidly the stripper works, they may be inspired to use herbs more frequently. It may even inspire home chefs to try different herbs for the first time. So here are some pointers to keep in mind.
herb stripping bowl

To begin, immediately wash and dry any fresh herbs you purchase to remove any pests or dirt. Wrap the herbs in paper towels and place them in sealable bags. The paper towels will help keep the herbs fresh, but use them within a few days to get the most flavor out of them. Fortunately, there are numerous ways to appreciate their distinct tastes. Basil is one of the most popular herbs, possibly because of its sweet and somewhat spicy flavor. It is widely used in Mediterranean recipes, but it can also be used in other cuisines.

Not to mention that it’s the most commonly used herb in pesto. If you want to get the most out of your basil, add the leaves (not the stems) near the end of the cooking process, whether you’re making fish, chicken, or a homemade pasta sauce. Rosemary is a difficult plant to prepare, making it ideal for the herb remover. However, the leaves have a fantastic woody and pine-likе flavor. This makes it ideal for dishes such as lamb chops, poultry, roast beef, and roasted potatoes. It’s also great on flatbread, sweet potato fries, and even cake.

Cilantro, often known as the coriander leaf, is a contentious herb. Some individuals enjoy the bright and zesty flavor, while others claim that it tastes likе soap. However, it is a common ingredient in Asian and Latin American cuisine. Cilantro is wonderful both raw and cooked, and it is flavorful without being overbearing. Dill – Dill is a frequent ingredient in German and Scandinavian cuisine. It has a delicate flavor that is robust, fresh, and earthy. It goes well with a variety of cuisines, including poultry, yogurt, shellfish, salad, soup, and egg dishes such as quiche.

Marjoram – Marjoram has a softer flavor than oregano but is nonetheless potent. It goes well with vegetables and meat, but it can also be used to flavor salads, soups, sauces, fish, and other dishes. While the leaves are used in these dishes, keep the stems to enhance the flavor of a stock or soup. Thyme – Thyme can be found in French cuisine. Its floral scent and powerful flavor complement foods without overpowering other ingredients. A herb remover, likе rosemary, can make thyme preparation a breeze. It goes well with roast chicken, bread, potatoes, and cocktails.

Mint – While many people associate mint with drinks and pastries, there are plenty other ways to enjoy this herb. It goes well with salads, poultry, curries, and sandwiches. It can also be used to dress up a fruit salad. Parsley – Because of its fresh and delicate flavor, parsley is another useful and popular herb. While the leaves are the most effective, the stems can also be used in cooking. Use it as a garnish to season soups or to dress up salads. The possibilities are nearly limitless, but parsley pairs particularly well with pasta, butter, eggs, and lemon.

Oregano has a strong taste that is necessary in recipes such as chili pasta and pizza sauces. Unlikе herbs likе basil, oregano can resist heat, so use it at the start of the cooking process. However, use oregano sparingly so that it does not overpower the other ingredients. Save the stems to flavor stocks and soups.


Rose was a young woman who didn’t like flying. She had only started taking flights when she began visiting her husband, Bill, who worked as a miner in Texas while she lived in Omaha.

Bill’s job paid well but kept him away most of the year, only coming home for a short break between Christmas and New Year’s.

One day, while Rose was on a commercial flight, she unexpectedly went into labor. This caused the pilot to change the flight path, but instead of heading to the nearest airport, the plane was rerouted elsewhere to handle the emergency.


Rose, now heavily pregnant, had convinced Bill to let her visit him once a month in Texas, despite his initial reluctance. Over time, these weekend visits became a cherished routine in their marriage, and the moments they spent together in Bill’s small apartment were some of their best.

It was during one of these romantic weekends that Rose became pregnant. Bill was thrilled about the baby and had big plans. He promised to retire from mining once the child was born and start a farm in Omaha. Bill came from a family of successful farmers, and he believed they could make a good living growing crops.

Even though Bill had asked Rose to stay home during her pregnancy, Rose was determined to see him. Flying to Texas had become such a habit that she couldn’t bear the thought of missing their time together that weekend, so she boarded the plane one last time, despite being so close to her due date.


“You are nine months pregnant, Rose,” Bill reminded her during their last call.

“Oh, thank you for pointing that out, I had no idea my stomach started swelling nine months ago,” Rose replied sarcastically.

“You shouldn’t be traveling at all, let alone flying across states. It’s absurd, my dear,” Bill insisted, concern evident in his voice.

“I need to see you, Bill,” Rose cooed. “I’ve missed you so much.”

She had let him convince her to stay home for the past two months, but this time, she wasn’t backing down.

“I know, baby,” Bill sighed. “But it’s September, and I’ll be home for good in December. Just be patient, hon.”

Rose let him think he’d convinced her again, but when Friday arrived, she packed her bags and boarded a flight to Texas. When she arrived and surprised Bill, he pretended to be angry, but they quickly fell into their usual rhythm and cherished their time together.


By Sunday evening, when Rose boarded the plane back to Omaha, she was glowing with happiness after spending a refreshing weekend with Bill. But once the plane took off and hit turbulence, she was quickly reminded of how much she disliked flying. Rose preferred solid ground, where the worst-case scenario wouldn’t involve falling from the sky.

Another shake rattled the plane, sending her imagination into overdrive. She began worrying about everything from hijackings to plane crashes, and her stress level spiked. While her mind raced with worst-case scenarios, something unexpected happened—her water broke.

At first, Rose didn’t even realize it. She noticed the wetness and blushed, assuming she’d lost control of her bladder due to the stress. It never occurred to her that her water had broken three weeks early. But then, the contractions started, and Rose finally understood what was happening. She was going into labor.


Rose’s scream filled the cabin, catching the attention of a nearby flight attendant, who rushed over. “What’s wrong?” the attendant asked, her voice filled with concern.

“I’m having a baby!” Rose yelled, gripping the armrests as another contraction hit her.

The flight attendant quickly relayed the situation to the pilot, who immediately contacted the nearest airport for permission to land. While waiting, the attendant tried to soothe Rose by talking to her between contractions.

“Why are you traveling alone, especially so far along in your pregnancy?” the flight attendant asked, her voice soft but concerned.

“I was visiting my husband and now I’m returning home,” Rose replied breathlessly.

“He let you travel like this? That’s so irresponsible!” the flight attendant remarked, shaking her head. “Okay, do you have family we can call? Other than your husband?”

“No, I’m an orphan,” Rose said, her voice weakening as the contractions became more intense.

The flight attendant noticed Rose was burning up with a fever and struggling to endure the pain. Realizing the situation could turn dangerous without medical help, she informed the pilot, urging him to make the emergency landing as soon as possible.


The pilot, Drew, received unsettling news from the dispatcher: the nearest airport wasn’t ready to take their plane due to bad weather. Time was running out, and Rose, in her feverish state, could only cry out for her husband. Drew knew he had to act quickly.

“We’re going back to Texas,” Drew said with determination.

He instructed the flight attendant to keep Rose stable for another thirty minutes, but soon, more bad news arrived—Texas was experiencing severe weather too, and they weren’t allowed to land at the airport.

Despite the setbacks, Drew had one last option. He knew the area well and remembered an old, abandoned airstrip not far from the airport. The only issue was the runway—it was too short for a plane their size. Still, it was Rose’s best chance to get help.

“We’re landing at the abandoned airstrip,” Drew announced to his co-pilot, Stan, who was still relatively new to flying.

“Sir, with all due respect, landing there is against the rules,” Stan said, hesitant.

Drew turned to him, eyes focused. “Sometimes, to save a life, you have to follow your conscience, not the rules,” he replied firmly.

Stan nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The decision was made—Drew was going to attempt the risky landing to save Rose and her unborn child.


Drew instructed the flight attendant to contact Rose’s husband as the plane circled the abandoned airstrip, preparing for a risky landing. Every move had to be precise, and Drew knew there was no room for error.

They circled once, then twice, each time bringing the plane closer to the ground. Meanwhile, Rose was slipping in and out of consciousness, her contractions overwhelming her.

As the plane neared the ground, Drew knew it was time to take the leap of faith. With no control tower to guide them, it was all on him. The co-pilot, still a rookie, was on the verge of panicking but followed Drew’s calm lead. After several tense minutes, the plane finally touched down safely.

As soon as the hatch opened, an ambulance with EMTs and Rose’s husband raced toward the plane. They were followed closely by media vans and a few concerned civilians who had rushed to the airstrip, fearing a crash. Drew had done it—he landed the plane against the odds, and now Rose was on her way to getting the help she needed.


Bill gently carried his pregnant wife to the ambulance, overwhelmed with worry as they raced to the hospital. All he could do was pray that Rose, who looked exhausted and unwell, would be okay.

At the hospital, doctors quickly checked her vitals and realized she was too weak to deliver the baby naturally. They decided a C-section was the only option. Bill wasn’t allowed in the operating room, so he waited anxiously outside. After what felt like an eternity, he was finally called in to meet his new baby and see his recovering wife.

Relief flooded over him. He couldn’t believe how close he had come to losing them both. That day, Bill decided to quit his job, vowing never to leave his family for long periods again. When they returned to Omaha, it would be for good.

Out of gratitude, Bill asked for the name of the brave pilot who risked it all to help them. He and Rose agreed to name their baby after him.

As for Rose, it would be many years before she would ever set foot on an airplane again.


What did we learn from this story?

Human life is incredibly valuable. Drew made the right choice when he decided to land the plane at the abandoned airstrip to save both Rose and her baby. It reminds us that life is precious and should be protected at all costs.

Overthinking is not helpful. Rose might have made it back to Omaha without any issues if she hadn’t let her mind race after the turbulence. Her anxiety triggered stress, and her body reacted by going into labor early. This shows that overthinking often makes things worse instead of helping.

Share this story with your friends—it might brighten their day and inspire them.

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