In Тhе Shаdоw Оf Irоn: Undеrstаnding Оur Неritаgе Тhrоugh Нistоriсаl Аrtifасts

Have you ever visited a history museum or a battlefield with your school, when the teacher would give you a cannonball to hold and demonstrate how heavy it was, describing the sounds of battles and explosions in the open field? These experiences encouraged people to think, and provided a glimpse into our history and the physical reminders of conflicts that defined a country.

Cannonballs, the huge iron balls that used to roll out of the barrels of cannons, are typical relics of warfare of earlier centuries. Its basic yet effective structure was instrumental in battles from the medieval period up to the 19th century. Made from solid or hollow iron, these round shaped projectiles were used to knock down walls, disperse the enemies and to pierce through the sides of the enemy ships.

source: eBay

Cannonballs provide a rich understanding of how wars have been fought and the technologies used in the course of history. Every cannonball found or conserved today has a tale of ancient battles and the unrelenting search for military improvement. They were not just weapons of the warfare but also means that played a role in determining the fate of major battles and thus history. Their application and evolution offer an interesting insight into the creativity and adaptability of the military engineers of the past.

To those who collect antiques, an old cannonball is a precious find, a piece that tells a story of great history. People keep these artifacts as trophies for their historical value and the tales that are told by the rust marks on the items. But it is important that collectors do not mishandle these pieces as some of the older cannonballs may still contain unexploded explosives

Thinking about the cannonball, we recall that people are capable of both dеstruсtiоn and innovation. Nowadays, as we showcase these relics in museums or preserve them as antiques, they become sources of information and topics for discussion that can pique the curiosity of people and make them more aware of history.

In conclusion, whether one considers cannonballs to be valuable collectibles or relics of the past, they remind us to look into the past to learn more about our forebears’ victories and tribulations. They urge people to protect and cherish the culture and history so that the coming generations may be able to understand and feel it as we do.

The True Reason Why an Indian Man Has Been Holding His Arm Up Since 1973

“I don’t ask for much,” said this man who has held his arm up for 50 years now. We were deeply amazed by his extraordinary gesture, and upon discovering the real purpose behind it, we couldn’t help but eagerly share his story with our beloved readers.

Meet Amar Bharati.

A devoted Indian ascetic by the name of Amar Bharati has been tirelessly advocating for world peace for 50 years, all the while maintaining a remarkable gesture of raising his right hand in the air without ever lowering it.

A sadhu, which is a revered religious ascetic or holy individual in Hinduism (and occasionally in Buddhism and Jainism), is someone who has willingly renounced all worldly desires.

Mr. Bharati, previously a married man with three children who worked as a clerk in New Delhi, made a life-altering decision in 1970 when he resigned from his job and parted ways with his family and friends. His profound commitment led him to dedicate his existence to Shiva, one of the central deities of Hinduism, often referred to as “the primordial yogi.”

Next, he conceived a gesture that would become universally recognized.

Starting in 1973, he began raising his arm as a profound symbol of his unwavering devotion and as a powerful statement to actively advocate for peace and oppose conflicts worldwide. In his unconditional commitment, he endured excruciating pain for two long years, resulting in his arm losing all sensation and the muscles therein wasting away.

Indian sadhus frequently embark on the most rigorous forms of penance, demanding exceptional self-discipline, all in the pursuit of attaining liberation and enlightenment, referred to as Moksha in the Indian spiritual context.

Today, Bharati’s arm stands as a testament to his enduring resolve. It has become a mere skeletal structure, and his once-nails have transformed into spiraling claws.

In a candid interview, the wise sadhu shared his heartfelt message, saying, “I do not ask for much. Why are we fighting our sons among ourselves? Why is there so much hatred and enmity between us? I just want all Indians and the whole world to live in peace with each other.”

One can only fathom the immense pain he must have endured throughout his incredible journey. It is precisely these acts of extreme self-discipline and the underlying motivations behind them that have piqued the interest of individuals outside of India, even drawing the attention of historical figures such as Alexander the Great.

Mr. Amar has adapted to life with his raised arm.

He lives as if his arm is missing, using his other hand for everything, like eating, getting dressed, and bathing. Although it’s not easy, Amar firmly believes that this way of life brings him closer to Shiva and encourages people to think about being more peaceful in their daily routines.

“If you try to lower Bharati’s hand you will cause him real pain, not physical but spiritual, for he believes that his eternal salute does indeed promote world peace,” one of his acquaintances explained. Another individual addressed the practical aspect, pointing out that there’s a physical challenge as well. The cartilage in his elbow has dried out, making any attempt to move his arm a potential risk to his joint.

in his devoted pursuit of peace.

Before you go, make sure to read another article where we explain why rocking a peace sign in your photos can put you in danger.

Preview photo credit ERIC LAFFORGUE / Alamy Stock Photo

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