I Shared a Photo of My Partner and Me on Facebook for the First Time & Instantly Received a Message: ‘You Need to Get Away from Him. Right Now

Social media has a way of creeping into your life, becoming a part of your relationships, whether you like it or not. It’s harmless for the most part — cute pictures and updates for friends and family. But sometimes, things take a turn you never see coming.

Mark and I had been together for almost a year. Honestly, he was the perfect boyfriend. Sweet, caring, and always making me laugh, whether we were out hiking or just watching TV on a lazy Sunday. I felt so lucky to have him in my life. So, I figured it was time to make things official on Facebook.

We were on a hiking trail one afternoon when we snapped a picture together. It was cute — us smiling with the sun shining behind us. “Just me and my favorite person on our latest adventure!” I captioned it, adding a couple of heart emojis. I shared the post, excited to share a bit of our happiness with the world.

Then, ten minutes later, I got a notification that made my stomach drop. It wasn’t a like or a comment. It was a message: “YOU MUST RUN FROM HIM. NOW.”

I stared at my phone, my heart pounding. Who would send something like that? I clicked on the profile, hoping for some clue, but there was nothing — no info, no pictures, just a blank, empty page. The message itself was terrifying enough, but this? It was like a ghost had sent it.

I glanced at Mark, who was busy tossing our backpacks into the car, completely unaware of the storm building inside me. Should I tell him?

My mind raced, but before I could even process what was happening, another message popped up: “Don’t tell Mark anything. Listen carefully. Smile, don’t be aggressive with him. You don’t know what he’s capable of. You got it?”

I could feel the blood drain from my face. What was this? Who was sending these messages? And why were they so certain I was in danger?

“I’m meeting my mom for lunch tomorrow,” I said casually over breakfast, trying not to let my voice tremble.

Mark didn’t look up from his coffee right away. “Really? You didn’t mention it before.”

“Oh, yeah,” I replied quickly, my heart racing. “She called last night. Last minute thing.”

Mark finally met my eyes, his expression unreadable. “Alright,” he said slowly.

I tried to focus on my coffee, but all I could feel was the weight of his gaze as if he was trying to see straight through me.

The next day, I left the house. As I slipped out the door, I could feel Mark’s eyes on me. I tried to act normal, but my stomach was in knots. Every time I looked back at him, there was that same unreadable look on his face. Was he suspicious? Did he know something was wrong?

Dog left heartbroken after being surrendered to shelter after 2 years: “He doesn’t understand where his person went”

It’s always heartbreaking when dogs are surrendered to shelters by their owners. These dogs are upended from the only home they’ve never known, confused about why they’re in these new surroundings without their familiar family.

That’s what one video shows, after a dog was surrendered by his family after 2 years — but beneath the heartbreak, there is hope.

Last month, a dog named Carlton was surrendered to Special Pals animal shelter in Houston, Texas, by the owners he had been with for 2 years.

Shelter director Becky French posted a video of the 2-year-old mixed breed dog on TikTok, showing Carlton’s heartbreak and confusion in his first day at the shelter.

“He doesn’t understand where his person went,” Becky wrote. “He kept returning to the spot his owner sat with him before leaving.”

The video also shows the dog refusing to take a treat or even look at the staff. he is scared. Confused,” Becky wrote. “This is what your dog goes through when they go back to a shelter.”

Despite the heartbreak, Becky wrote that they were able to “get some happy moments” out of the surrendered dog, and hope that he finds a new forever home soon.

“Don’t worry buddy. You are safe and will find a new home someday.”

It’s always a rough transition, but there are signs that Carlton — now known as “Posty” is acclimating well to shelter life. In a follow-up video, Becky said that they learned he is “obsessed with balls,” and he can be seen happily playing with shelter staff.

Despite the heartbreak he went through, he has improved and is “a happy boy now,” Becky wrote.

He is still up for adoption and waiting for a home — if you are interested in adopting, you can reach out to Special Pals via their adoption page.

Becky also shared an Amazon wish list for anyone who wants to buy an item for Carlton/Posty, which includes many of his favorite balls.

It’s heartbreaking to see this sweet dog surrendered to the shelter, suddenly losing the only home he’s ever known, but we hope that Carlton/Posty finds a great new home soon.

Please share this story to spread the word about this sweet dog!

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