Heavily-Tattooed Woman Says It’s “Not Fair” That She Can’t Get A Job

Putnam’s first complaint centered around the impersonal nature of receiving a rejection email rather than a phone call. While this is common practice for large corporations, she felt it was insensitive given her efforts in applying for the job.
Upon visiting her local TJ Maxx to inquire about the rejection in person, Putnam was told by an employee that she lacked sufficient experience for the position. However, she suspected that her tattoos played a significant role in the decision, despite the employee’s assurance to the contrary.
Despite her disappointment, Putnam emphasized that she did not necessarily need the job but was seeking additional income to pay off debt more quickly. However, she found it unfair that her tattoos seemed to be a determining factor in her employability.

Putnam’s visible tattoos include imagery with Satanic connotations, such as a goat representing the deity Baphomet and a Leviathan Cross. While it’s unclear whether hiring managers saw her tattoos during the application process, thousands of TikTok users commented on her post, suggesting that her tattoos likely influenced the decision.
Some commenters argued that visible tattoos could be perceived as unprofessional, especially in customer-facing roles like those at TJ Maxx. Others pointed out the challenge for young adults without prior work experience to secure employment if companies prioritize experience over potential.

The incident raised broader questions about societal attitudes towards body modifications and hiring practices. Putnam questioned why tattoos should be a barrier to employment, especially when many individuals with tattoos are highly capable workers.
While there’s no definitive evidence that Putnam’s tattoos directly led to her rejection, the incident highlights the ongoing debate surrounding appearance-based discrimination in the workplace. As discussions continue, it’s essential to consider how hiring practices can be more inclusive and equitable for all candidates, regardless of their appearance.

Texas mom breastfeeds newborn son at a restaurant, then stranger asks her to do something you won’t believe

Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful process that helps create intimacy and bonding between the mom and her bundle of joy.

Feeding babies whenever and wherever they are hungry is something mom’s shouldn’t feel bad about, but sadly, there are people out there who give them a hard time as they believe feeding babies in public is not appropriate or acceptable if they don’t use a cover.

Back in 2018, Melanie Dudley, a mom of a 3-month-old baby, was at a restaurant with her family and some friends when the little one started crying for food. Without hesitation, Melanie, who is from Texas, started breastfeeding her son. And although everyone was fine with that, it looked like a stranger who was sitting on the next table was uncomfortable with this mom not being covered while breastfeeding.

He approached Melanie and asked her to cover up. And well, she did just that, but in a manner that stranger expected.
”I was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas with my entire family, and a man asked me to cover myself. I’m usually discreet but we were seated in the back of the restaurant,” Melanie told Yahoo.

“I did have the cover on, but it was so hot. It was like, 95 degrees, and my little baby was sweating,” the Texan told TODAY.

“I said, ‘You know what? I’m on vacation, I’m taking this off.’”

Melanie took the cover and put it on her head instead, having the entire restaurant bursting out in laughter.

”I just put it over my head. I don’t know why. It wasn’t like a salacious fight or anything. That was just my response. I had no words, so I thought, I’ll just cover my head instead,” the woman explained.

A woman who witnessed the entire thing, Carol Lockwood, took a photo of Melanie and shared it online with the caption, “I’ve never met her, but I think she’s AWESOME!!! (Please share! With permission, I’ve made this post public — I’m SO over people shaming women for nursing!!!” In no time, the photo was shared 225,000 times and counting.

A great number of people stood my Melanie’s side and supported what she did.
We truly believe that breastfeeding is the most normal thing and no mom should feel ashamed for giving food to her baby in public.
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