Do You Recognize This Old-School Communication Tool?

Times are changing and it seems as if the more we progress, the faster they change. The one thing that hasn’t changed is our need to communicate but the way we communicate has adjusted over the years.

Many of us can probably look back and remember the time when we were tethered to the wall when we wanted to talk to someone on the phone. We wrote letters and put them in the mail and if somebody wasn’t home, we couldn’t talk to them at that moment.

These days, we communicate by sending text messages or messages over social media. We have video calls and if we can get in touch with somebody, it quickly gets on our nerves.

There have also been a number of innovations over the years that were brilliant in their time but these days, they are not used very often. That is especially true in the day when we used to use the Postal Service to deliver letters and packages on a regular basis.

One of the most important things to consider when delivering a letter or package was the weight. It would make a difference in the shipping rate, and that is where this unique invention, the postal scale, comes into play.

Long before we were sending emails and text messages, we were delivering things through the Postal Service. Analog mechanisms that included balances and springs were used to determine how much we would pay in postage. It wasn’t an exact science, but it was close enough.

Postal scales still exist today but they are much more advanced. They are precise instruments that have advanced features and it makes it much less personal when it comes to getting service at the post office.

Aside from the fact that the older postal scales were not 100% accurate, the design and nostalgia are something to consider. These are more than an item that used to weigh the letters we sent, they are collector’s items and some enthusiasts will pay big money for them.

So if you ever see a vintage postal scale, stop to ponder over what it may have done in its lifetime. It’s an item we don’t use as much anymore, but it is an item from time that we should forget.

5 Ways to Quickly Check If There’s a Hidden Camera in Your Dressing Room

Privacy is perceived differently across the world. For example, in Germany, very few offices have open doors, while in America, this is quite common. However, nobody would be okay with secretly being watched, especially during private activities.

We at Bright Side want to warn you: some retailers do place hidden cameras in their fitting rooms, but with these tips, you may be able to spot them.

1. Scan the room for suspicious objects.

The easiest way to find hidden cameras is to look around and check your surroundings carefully. An inch-by-inch search can help to spot rather “obvious” signs right away. Pay special attention to objects like wall decor, lamps, shelves, etc. Any suspicious wires, lenses, or lights could belong to a hidden camera.

2. Connect to Wi-Fi.

Surveillance cameras usually work on Wi-Fi, so you can find one by connecting to the network available in the room. Then you’ll need to use a special app to see what other devices are connected to the same network. Keep an eye out for devices that show a camera manufacturer name or list things like “IP camera.”

3. Use your phone’s flashlight.

Mirrors are one of the easiest places to hide a camera in a fitting room, so you should carefully check them. If there’s an opportunity to turn off the lights, try to do so and use the flashlight on your phone to peer through the mirror. Light shined against a mirror, allowing you to see beyond it, may reveal the presence of a hidden camera on the other side of it.

4. Stare into the mirror.

Fitting rooms are the perfect place to use 2-way mirrors because one of its sides will be brightly lit, and the other can be kept in the dark. So you need to put your eyes up against the glass, block out light with your hands, and you should be able to see through the mirror and detect if it’s actually a 2-way.

5. Touch the mirror.

When you touch a regular mirror, there’s always a small gap between your finger and its reflection. If you see it, you can be sure the mirror is real. However, if your fingers appear to be touching in the reflection, it’s probably a 2-way mirror and you’re being watched.

Have you ever seen a hidden camera in an inappropriate place? Tell us the story!

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