Cher reveals the brutally honest reason she dates younger men

Then without any prompting she said, “And the reason I go out with young men is because men my age are older — well, now they’re all dead — but before, they were always terrified to approach me. And younger men were the only ones that…”
“They’re bold,” Jennifer Hudson interrupted.
“Yeah, raised by women like me,” Cher added.

Her explanation comes after her relationship with Alexander “AE” Edwards, who is 40 years her junior, captured the attention of both fans and the media.
When questioned about Edwards’ potential motives, Cher responded on X, “Let Me Explain…I DONT GIVE A [flying] FK WHAT ANYONE THINKS.”

It’s 2024, we shouldn’t have to give a reason why we choose the people we date. As long as it’s not harming anyone let people love who they love.

Trump declared his support for Gov. Abbott of Texas, He Calls On States To Help

In a series of posts on his Truth Social social media pIatform, former President Donald Trump declared his support for Gov. Abbott of Texas as Abbott’s Texas defies the federal government and defends its border, in some cases by excluding federal officials to keep them from processing migrants or cutting barbed wire border barriers.

Trump also called on the states to provide support for Gov. Abbot.

In the first post, Trump declared that he and his Administration had acted to strongIy defend the border, much in contrast to how it has remained shockingly porous under Biden. Commenting on that, he wrote, When I was President, we had the most secure Border in History.

Joe Biden has surrendered our Border, and is aiding and abetting a massive Invasion of millions of IllegaI Migrants into the United States.

Continuing, the former president called out President Biden for focusing on trying to restrain Gov. Abbott rather than trying to staunch the flow of illegaI immigrants across the border.

Doing so, he wrote, Instead of fighting to protect our Country from this onslaught, Biden is, unbelievably, fighting to tie the hands of Governor Abbott and the State of Texas, so that the Invasion continues unchecked.

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