Catwoman of our times: what a woman with an unusual appearance looked like before plastic surgery

When we hear the phrase “Catwoman”, we imagine that very attractive comic book heroine. But today we decided to talk about another woman, who is also called that.

Jocelyn Wildenstein was born in 1940 in Switzerland. As many of her acquaintances say, the girl had an incredibly attractive appearance: blond hair, big eyes and sophisticated facial features.

Catwoman of our times: what a woman with an unusual appearance looked like before plastic surgery

Due to this appearance, she often enjoyed success with men.

All her life, Jocelyn was looking for a status gentleman for herself. So she decided to try to find one in Paris.

The girl managed to find an interesting man who worked in the field of cinema.

Over time, he introduced his girlfriend to many people from this area, and she completely immersed herself in the world of glamour. Jocelyn suddenly wanted to change something in herself, despite the fact that she was a real beauty.

Catwoman of our times: what a woman with an unusual appearance looked like before plastic surgery

From that moment, her journey of transformation began.

When it comes to such changes, everyone immediately understands that it will not do without the intervention of a plastic surgeon.

It all started with the most ordinary braces, which were not supposed to change the girl much. But it frequently happens that the body is not going to accept such an intervention, so Jocelyn’s appearance has changed dramatically.

In order to somehow get out of this situation, our heroine began to position herself as a new Catwoman. She was not going to cause any admiration for her new look, and in fact no one was going to do this.

Catwoman of our times: what a woman with an unusual appearance looked like before plastic surgery

In the future, each attempt by Jocelyn to correct herself only aggravated the situation. Now she herself realizes that she did a great stupidity.

Today’s plastic has taken several steps forward in development, but this story is an example. Therefore, before taking such a step, think not 7 times, but all 100.

You Won’t Believe What Happened When This Woman with Facial Tattoos Went to TJ Maxx!

Sometimes, when you apply for a job and don’t get it, you might wonder why. Was it your skills, how you presented yourself, or something else?

Ash Putnam, who is 23 years old and covered in tattoos, recently shared her frustration on TikTok after being turned down for a job at TJ Maxx.

Her video became really popular, with over seven million views and tens of thousands of comments. Many people agreed with her about how hard it can be for young people to find entry-level jobs.

Putnam explained on TikTok that she applied for a job at TJ Maxx and later got an email saying she didn’t get the job. She felt disappointed that they didn’t even call her personally, just sent an automatic email.

Not satisfied with the response, she went to the store and asked the employees why she didn’t get hired.

“I went in today and asked, ‘Why didn’t I get hired?’ The employee said, ‘You don’t have enough experience. There were other candidates with more experience.’”

Putnam also asked if her tattoos were the reason she didn’t get the job. Many places don’t like employees with visible tattoos. The employee said that wasn’t the reason, but Putnam wasn’t sure she believed that.

“Just because I have tattoos doesn’t mean I won’t be a good worker. I don’t understand that at all,” she said. “Some of the smartest people I know have tattoos and piercings.”

Her story sparked a lot of discussion about job hunting and how people are judged based on their appearance.

Even though the woman from California, who also works for Uber Eats, didn’t get a clear reason from TJ Maxx, many people on TikTok think they know why she was turned down.

One person said, “I’m a tattoo artist, it’s probably because of the tattoos.”

Another person, who works in human resources, commented, “No company would want someone with visible tattoos dealing with customers, like TJ Maxx.”

A former TJ Maxx employee added, “I used to work there, and they hire almost anyone off the street. It’s definitely because of the tattoos and piercings.”

Someone else suggested, “It might not be that you have tattoos, but maybe where the tattoos are located.”

These comments show that many think her tattoos could be the reason TJ Maxx didn’t hire her.

“I really think it’s because of my tattoos, as many comments say my tattoos are scary and demonic to some people,” she shared with the Daily Star.

She added, “TJ Maxx didn’t tell me this directly, but many comments on my TikTok are really mean. People say I should work at a circus or Halloween store.”

Even if her tattoos are why TJ Maxx didn’t hire her, she thinks companies should change how they hire people.

“If they think tattoos decide how good you are at a job, they need to think again. Tattoos, piercings, and colored hair aren’t unprofessional. They show creativity and being different. It’s 2024, people need to stop disliking tattoos.”

Do you think tattoos should decide if you get a job? Tell us on Facebook what you think.

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