An 83 year old british gentleman arrived in Paris by plane. As he was fumbIing in his….

An 83 year old british gentleman arrived in Paris by plane. As he was fumbling in his bag for his passport a stern French lady asked if he had been to France before. He liked he had indeed been previously.

The lady said then you should know to have your passport out and waiting sir. The gentleman said i didn’t have to show it last time. Impossible! The woman said, you British have always had to show your passports to get through here! The man passports to get through here! The man responded by whispering, well, when i came ashore on the beach on D Day in 1944, i couldn’t find any Frenchmen to show it to!… Wear your poppy with pride.

40 years ago, she was praised as the most beautiful actress. But now, she looks unrecognizable

Can you identify the actress in this photograph?

It’s Rachel Ward, best known for her unforgettable role as Maggie in the iconic film “Singing in the Blackthorns”.

Over forty years ago, Rachel enchanted audiences worldwide with her mesmerizing performances, establishing herself as one of cinema’s most luminous stars.

However, with the passage of time, Rachel’s appearance has naturally transformed, reflecting the inevitable changes that come with aging.

Now 66 years old, Rachel’s look is markedly different, free from the makeup and elaborate hairstyles that characterized her glamour during the dazzling 1980s.

Reactions to her recent photos blend surprise and nostalgic longing, with many fans fondly recalling the days when Rachel’s stunning beauty illuminated the big screen.

While some praise Rachel for embracing the natural aging process without resorting to cosmetic interventions, others express a bittersweet regret over the changes, missing her youthful appearance.

Yet, despite the changes brought by time, Rachel’s performance as Maggie in the cherished film remains vividly remembered, a testament to her remarkable talent and lasting impact on the world of cinema.

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