A compassionate dog mom, who delivered her puppies on the street, was rescued along with her precious pups just in the nick of time

She didn’t choose the life of the streets; someone had abandoned her earlier. However, when the realization of impending motherhood struck, there was no escaping the harsh reality of the streets. She had no time to find shelter; her babies were coming, and she summoned every ounce of strength to bring them into the world.

Heartbroken, exhausted, teetering on the brink…

This forsaken dog mother exhibited both fragility and incredible strength, a testament to the resilience that all mothers carry within them.

Will her story have a happy ending? Could this suffering lead to something better for once?

Kudos, Momma! The Puppies Have Arrived
The sight of a vulnerable, freshly birthed dog mother lying beside her newborns tore at my heartstrings. The image was a desperate plea for assistance.

This poor dog mother was utterly drained of strength.

How could she be strong when she had been broken in so many ways?

According to her collar, her previous owners had discarded her, likely because she was pregnant. Deprived of proper sustenance, water, or shelter, this gentle soul roamed the streets, searching for a safe place to give birth.

Yet, sometimes, plans simply remain as plans. Labor took her by surprise, forcing her to deliver right there on the street, on a humble piece of cardboard.

Six puppies entered this world that day, though tragically, two of them were angels from the start.

Despite her extreme exhaustion, as soon as she noticed people approaching, the mother summoned the last reserves of her strength and rose to her feet. She had to protect her precious offspring.

Unaware that these people were t here to help her, she went into full defensive mode, acting aggressively to shield her babies. It seemed as though she didn’t realize that there were good-hearted people in the world, and not everyone meant harm.


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The rescue team faced three fierce encounters with the mother before they finally succeeded in capturing her, along with her little ones, and relocating them to safety.

Back at the shelter, the rescuers were relieved to find that the mother had enough milk to nourish her puppies. Now, it was time to nourish the mother herself.

She was ravenous, beyond exhaustion, and yearning for a proper meal.

That day, the mother was fed three times, a stark contrast to the typical one or two daily meals for dogs. She devoured approximately 5 pounds of liver in her first two meals, a testament to her hunger.

After the critical first 48 hours, the puppies began to thrive, growing, opening their eyes, and experiencing the joys of puppyhood.

The mother, though still somewhat traumatized and apprehensive around humans, was making progress. Sooner or later, she would learn to trust people again.

Without the kindness of these compassionate individuals, dog lovers, and dedicated rescuers, the mother and her puppies would have faced starvation.

After all the trials in her young life, the mother was finally granted the life she had always deserved.

We may not be able to save all stray dogs or solve every problem, but at the very least, we can spare a few dollars to feed the dogs on our streets. If everyone were to pitch in, the number of stray dogs in need could be significantly reduced.

COVID-19: Rescue dogs shot dead in Australia over coronavirus restrictions

A council in Australia killed the impounded animals to prevent volunteers at an animal shelter from travelling to pick them up and potentially spreading the virus.

Fifteen rescue dogs, including 10 puppies, have been shot dead by a rural Australian council under its interpretation of coronavirus restrictions.

Bourke Shire Council in New South Wales destroyed the canines, which had been at its pound, to prevent volunteers at an animal shelter from travelling to pick them up and potentially spreading the virus.

“The council decided to take this course of action to protect its employees and community, including vulnerable Aboriginal populations, from the risk of COVID-19 transmission,” the Office of Local Government, a government watchdog, told The Sydney Morning Herald.

The spokesman said officials were investigating whether any animal cruelty laws had been broken.

Five of the dogs had been housed at the pound since early August and one of the dogs then had 10 pups.

The council said staff became concerned for the welfare of the animals due to overcrowding at the pound and two of the dogs attacking one of the others.

A source said the shelter volunteers were distressed and already had COVID-safe measures in place to handle the dogs.

And comedian Ricky Gervais has expressed his disapproval of the killings on social media.

Bourke Shire Council told ABC News the dogs were euthanised because the rescue organisation was from another local government area and they had concerns about people from other communities entering Bourke.

All of regional New South Wales has “stay-at-home” orders in place due to COVID-19.

The council said it had contacted its usual dog rehomer, who is based in the same area, but they were unable to come to Bourke.

The shelter that was supposed to receive the dogs declined to comment.

Animal Liberation regional campaign manager Lisa Ryan has called for an urgent investigation.

“We are deeply distressed and completely appalled by this callous dog shooting and we totally reject [the] council’s unacceptable justifications that this killing was apparently undertaken as part of a COVID-safe plan,” she said.

Australia has recently seen a surge in COVID-19 cases, forcing the country’s largest city, Sydney, to extend its lockdown through September and impose tougher restrictions, such as a curfew and a mask mandate outdoors.

Staff are allowed to work at animal shelters even when lockdown measures are in place, according to the Office of Local Government spokesman.

“Councils are also encouraged to continue to work with re-homing organisations and volunteers to care for animals, where that can be undertaken consistent with NSW Health advice,” he added.

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