Keanu Reeves’ reaction to 9-year-old who says he’s his favorite actor is breaking hearts

Keanu Reeves’ reaction to 9-year-old who says he’s his favorite actor is breaking hearts
If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, Keanu Reeves is a really, really good human being.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll have likely heard the stories and seen the videos. You’ll know that for all his megastar status, millions of dollars, and unbelievable fame, Reeves is a down to earth individual who has never considered himself above compassion and kindness.
It seems as though every few months Reeves does something new to remind us that he’s the gold standard when it comes to A-list celebrities putting others before themselves and generally behaving like they truly care about the general population.

Reeves, well known for his work on blockbuster films, has shown himself to also be adept where comic book writing is concerned of late. He co-created and co-wrote the series BRZRKR, the biggest single selling issue since Star Wars in 2015, alongside Matt Kindt.
At a recent book signing, a nine-year-old fan of the series approached Keanu to tell him that the Matrix star was his “favorite actor”. Keanu’s reaction?
Well, it’s as wholesome as you’d expect…
When your star shines as bright as Keanu Reeves‘s does, it’s safe to assume there are very few days when you don’t encounter someone or other who wants you to take a photo with them or sign an autograph.
Now, we can imagine that the rigmarole must get tiring sometimes – I mean, it’s only natural to assume that people wanting a piece of you all the time will wear you down – but one would never guess it from watching Keanu interact with his fans.

There have been multiple instances of the 58-year-old showcasing his huge heart and compassion over the years. Take, for example, the time he responded to a boy’s rapid-fire questions with kindness after a long flight. Or how about that time Sandra Bullock revealed that he had surprised her with champagne and truffles after she confided in him that she’d never tried them.
We could go on and on. The point is, Keanu Reeves is a genuinely good human being, so it should come as small surprise that he’s once again doing the rounds on the internet following an interaction with a nine-year-old fan.

As per reports, the young boy in question approached Reeves at a book signing, telling the actor “I’m such a big fan!”
In footage shared by IGN, Reeves can be heard asking the boy his name. When the nine-year-old says “Noah”, Keanu then introduces himself too (like there was any need).

“You’re probably my favourite actor in the whole world!” Noah says in the clip.
Keanu can then be seen wearing a beaming smile. “Oh my gosh, Noah, thank you!” he says.

The 58-year-old actor then gave his young fan a mini quiz, asking him if he’d seen Duke Caboom – the toy voiced by Reeves in Toy Story 4.
“Yeah, he’s my favourite character!” Noah replies.
It’s not just Keanu’s politeness that shows through in these interactions, but his sheer enthusiasm. Fans were quick to highlight the fact that the John Wick star always appears to be just as happy to interact with others as they are to interact with him.

They say you should never meet your idols, but we think it’s safe to disregard that advice where Keanu is concerned.
Are you also a huge fan of Keanu Reeves? If so, let us know your thoughts in the comments box – what’s your favourite Keanu film?

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I Took My Boyfriend to Meet My Parents — When My Father Saw Him He Immediately Called the Cops

I had been waiting for this moment for several months. Lewis took the day off to meet my parents. We had been officially dating for three months, but he kept telling me he was too busy with work to meet them. As it turned out, that was all a lie, and he wasn’t working as a mechanic.

When we entered the house and my parents first saw Lewis, I noticed my dad’s expression drastically change. I wasn’t prepared for what happened next.My dad, always the gracious host, invited Lewis to take a tour of the house, starting with the basement. I watched them walk down the stairs, thinking my dad was just trying to make Lewis feel welcome. But as soon as Lewis stepped inside, my father immediately slammed the door, locked it, and started calling the police.“He’s not really Lewis,” my dad shouted into the phone, “he’s actually an escaped convict named Jack Riley!”I was in shock. “Dad, what are you talking about?”My father, his voice stern and filled with authority, looked at me with a mixture of concern and anger. “Emma, I recognized him the moment I saw him. I never forget a face. Years ago, when I was still in the force, Jack Riley was one of the most wanted men. He was convicted of fraud, theft, and numerous other crimes. He escaped from prison and has been on the run ever since.”My mind was racing. I thought back to all the moments with Lewis—his mysterious absence from work, his reluctance to meet my family, the way he always seemed to avoid talking about his past. It all started to make sense.As we waited for the police to arrive, I could hear Lewis—or Jack—banging on the basement door, shouting for me to let him out. “Emma, please, this is a mistake! Your father is wrong!”But the look on my dad’s face told me otherwise. He had never been wrong about something like this before.The police arrived quickly, and within minutes, they had Lewis in handcuffs. One of the officers confirmed my father’s story. “We’ve been looking for Jack Riley for years. Good catch, sir.”I stood there, numb, as they took Lewis away. The man I thought I loved, the man I had trusted, was a criminal. My heart ached with betrayal and confusion.As the police car drove off, my dad put his arm around me. “I’m sorry you had to go through this, Emma. But it’s better you found out now rather than later.”In the days that followed, the reality of the situation sank in. I learned more about Jack’s criminal past and felt grateful for my father’s vigilance and quick thinking. It was a harsh lesson about trust and the importance of truly knowing the people we let into our lives.Ultimately, I realized how lucky I was to have a father who cared so deeply about my well-being. The experience brought us closer, and I knew I could always rely on him to protect me, no matter what.As I moved on from the shock and heartache, I took comfort in knowing that my father had saved me from a much worse fate. It was a painful but valuable lesson in love and trust.

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