Joke of the day is the moment of relaxation you need to break the routine.

“Yesterday, I went to a hotel with my mistress, and at the entrance, I see my father-in-law’s car parked.

I lost all desire and, of course, if he saw me, I would have problems.

I explained to my mistress that today was impossible, and she left upset.

Out of frustration, I broke both mirrors and went home. The next day, I went to see him and laugh at the fact that his car had no mirrors. He was very upset, and I asked him:

What’s wrong with you? You seem upset.

How the hell wouldn’t I be? Yesterday, I lent your wife the car, and she brought it back without mirrors.”

Next joke

Dad, I want to get married!

First, apologize!

But why?

Just apologize!

What for? What did I do?

You need to apologize!

But why???

Apologize, I said!

Please, just give me a reason!!!

First, apologize.

Okay, dad… I’m sorry!

Perfect, now you’re ready! Your training is over. When you learn to apologize for no reason, then you can get married!

Find Out If You Have Commitment Issues by Taking This Optical Illusion Test

Optical illusions have been a source of fascination for centuries, and now they are being used to reveal hidden aspects of our personalities. This very test has become a popular way to discover our strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will explore how it works and how it can help you determine if you have commitment issues.

The interpretation of the optical illusion personality test can vary depending on what you see first. Here are some common interpretations.

What do you see?

  • If you see the cloud first, you may appear strong and resilient on the outside, but you are sensitive on the inside. This sensitivity makes you more vulnerable to heartbreak from the words and actions of others. You may find it difficult to commit to long-term relationships because of your fear of emotional pain. Mia Yilin, the creator of the video, further elaborated, stating, “You hate the idea of settling for someone and have very high standards when going into a relationship.
  • If you see the fish first, on the other hand, you may have a carpe diem mentality, understanding that life is short and precious. You are likely to seize opportunities and invest your energy wholeheartedly into things that interest you. Mia explained, “You have this mentality that since life is short, we might as well live life to the fullest.

So, did you see the Fish or the Cloud first? Take pleasure in these puzzles as enjoyable distractions, but always bear in mind that they lack any scientific or psychological significance. Enjoy yourself and keep a smile on your face!

Now that you’ve discovered whether commitment issues are present in your life, don’t miss out on our upcoming article about optical illusions that can wake you up better than the most delightful cup of Nespresso.

Preview photo credit mia_yilin / Tiktok

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