Abandoned and Chained: Heartbreaking Tale of a Dog Used as Bait, Left Helpless as Infection Takes Over

Slapdash Deliverance of St. Louis received a phone call from a dog chained to a hedge near someone.

Rescuers were taken aback by the state of this canine, which might easily have been used as a bait canine.

 He’d gotten enormous mouthfuls all over his torso, face, and legs, and his face was so blasted he couldn’t open his eyes. He had gotten septic after leaving the infected incision unclothed for several weeks. The unfortunate dog was chained up and allowed to die.

Saviors brought him to their facility, where he was placed on an IV and administered antibiotics for months. The nanny was summoned to assist by the round clock.

Marco, the dog, turned out to be a legionnaire. Despite the lengthy path to rehabilitation, he made it!

 Despite all, he still loves, relies on, and seeks love from people.

He now lives in a loving family with numerous other dog siblings, with whom he enjoys playing. His dog-fighting days are long gone, and while the scars will remain, his history does not define him.


He presently spends his days cuddled up on the sofa with his new family or running about with the other kids in his large neighborhood.

Woman goes to say goodbye to gravely ill pregnant sheep – then finds miracle in the straw

Everyone who’s had the privilege of experiencing the miracle of birth knows that it can be messy and it doesn’t always follow a prescribed schedule.

Mixed into the excitement and joy, there’s always a twinge of anxiety in the air until it’s assured that the birth went well.

And that’s exactly how Amy Hill felt when her 10-year-old sheep Dotty was expecting lambs.

It’s not like there was a reason to think anything would go wrong—Dotty had given birth several times before and had always produced healthy offspring—but this time, everything would be different.

Sonwy River Farms in Nova Scotia, Canada raises animals without using genetically modified crops, and the animals are taken care of in a humane and ecologically friendly manner.

The farm has many animals, but Amy Hill has always held Dotty in special place in her heart, as she was Amy’s first female sheep.

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