Restaurant Manager Kicks Out Old Lady Asking for Shelter, Next Day Sees Her Sitting with Owner – Story of the Day

One day, an old lady got drenched in heavy rain after a sudden outpour. She decided to seek shelter at a famous cafe, only to be kicked out by the restaurant manager. What happens next stuns the arrogant employee.

Linda Meyers was on her way to dinner when heavy rain suddenly started pouring. She didn’t have an umbrella with her, so her well-kept hair was suddenly damp and all over her face. Her blouse and jacket looked worn out after they got soaked as well.

The closest establishment to her at the time was a famous cafe that rich and famous people would frequent. As she got to the entrance, she was suddenly stopped by the porter.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“Ma’am, this is an exclusive cafe. You need a reservation to enter,” he started, before looking at her from head to toe. “It seems you can hardly afford to dine in here, too,” he muttered.

Offended by the rude remark, she asked the porter to call the restaurant manager. But instead of letting her in, the manager echoed the porter’s sentiments and asked her to leave.

“Ma’am, I’m currently hosting over a hundred people inside. Let’s not waste our time here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the manager, whose nameplate said “Simon,” told Linda.

“I just need a place to stay until the rain dies down. I’ll even order,” she insisted.

“I can’t let you go in looking like that. You’re going to scare away all of our guests,” Simon shook his head. At that, the woman left, trying to find another place to wait.

The next day, when Simon got to work, the cafe owner was already there. He immediately called Simon over. “Today is a very special day. We have an important guest coming, my friend and his wife. They’re potential buyers of this cafe. That said, everything must be in top shape.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Simon oriented the waiters on what to do that day, making sure everything was well-prepared for their VIP guests’ arrival. That evening, the owner called Simon to their table.

“Let me introduce you to our manager. He is an excellent part of our team. He knows his job and is very kind, sensitive, sympathetic, and helpful,” the owner said. At that, the woman turned to him with a smile on her face.

“Very nice indeed. I can see that he is exactly the way you described him to be,” the woman, who turned out to be Linda, said.

The manager couldn’t hide the horrified look on his face after realizing the woman was the person he rudely shut out the night before. After seeing the look on his face, Linda turned back to the cafe owner.

“You have a great restaurant and such endearing staff. My husband and I are happy to buy the cafe,” she said.

The next day, Linda and her husband went straight to work. They wanted to observe how the cafe operated on a daily basis and get to know their new staff members.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

When Linda saw Simon, she bore him some bad news. “Simon, my husband and I have made the decision to demote you as a waiter. We don’t think the way you treated me the other night is any way to treat a customer,” she explained.

Immediately, Simon was given an apron and a tray, and he started working as a waiter. He was humiliated, but he didn’t want to lose his job entirely.

A couple of days later, a poor woman entered the cafe. She sat at a table and ordered a sandwich and hot tea. After she finished her meal, Simon handed her the bill.

“Oh dear,” the old woman said as she looked through her purse. “I must have forgotten my wallet at home. I am so sorry. I can wash the dishes, or clean the restaurant, anything so that I could repay you,” she said.

Simon shook his head. “Don’t worry, ma’am. I will pay for your tab this time around,” he said with a smile.

The woman proceeded to thank Simon, to which he replied: “It’s no problem. People should help each other out. A couple of days ago, the new owner of this restaurant gave me a second chance because she is a kind person. I want to be like her. After all, I believe in karma.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“I think you will become a manager again,” the woman replied. Simon was confused as to how the woman knew about his demotion. At that moment, Linda approached the table.

“This woman here is my friend. I wanted to test you and see whether or not you’ve learned your lesson. I’m happy to know that you’ve passed the test. You can return to your managerial duties effective immediately,” Linda said, giving him a tap on the back.

Simon was delighted. He had never seen such kindness in anybody, and he was grateful that Linda gave him yet another chance to do well at his job.

Since that day, Simon went to work with a smile on his face. He loved his job, and it was all thanks to the boost of confidence the new cafe owners gave him. He would patiently tend to his staff and the customers, and it led the cafe to become even more successful.

What can we learn from this story?

  • We should not judge others by their outward appearance. The porter and Simon were quick to judge Linda for how she looked, not knowing she’d end up owning the business they worked in.
  • People deserve a second chance. Linda was nice enough to give Simon a second chance, knowing he enjoyed his work.

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Our Granddaughter Demanded We Give Her Our Villa as It Was Nicer despite Us Paying for Vacation – I Taught Her a Lesson

My plan to treat my grandkids to a luxurious family vacation took an unexpected turn when one of my granddaughters demanded the grandest accommodation. I decided to take the unconventional route to teach her a memorable lesson.

So, my husband, John, and I, we’ve been pretty lucky in life, and we wanted to do something special for our family. Our granddaughter, Robin, got married recently, and we thought, “Why not celebrate with a big family vacation?”

A happy older couple looking out at the ocean | Source: Shutterstock

A happy older couple looking out at the ocean | Source: Shutterstock

We picked Bora Bora because, honestly, who doesn’t dream of going there? It’s like one of those places you see on postcards and think, “People actually go there?” Yes, they do, and we decided we were going to be those people.

A resort in Bora Bora | Source: Shutterstock

A resort in Bora Bora | Source: Shutterstock

We got a great deal on this trip. We found this beautiful place that had room for all of us – three bungalows for the grandkids and their families, and one big villa for John and me.

Villas by the beach in Bora Bora | Source: Shutterstock

Villas by the beach in Bora Bora | Source: Shutterstock

The bungalows were nice, each one a thousand square feet with a king bed or two queens, a bathroom, and some outdoor space.

A tropical bungalow on the beach | Source: Shutterstock

A tropical bungalow on the beach | Source: Shutterstock

But the villa, oh boy, it was something else. Four thousand square feet all to ourselves, with a bedroom, a bathroom that had a sauna, a living room, and the best part, an outdoor area with a bathtub, a pool, and a slide straight into the ocean. It was paradise.

A sundeck with a pool overlooking the beach | Source: Shutterstock

A sundeck with a pool overlooking the beach | Source: Shutterstock

Now, we hadn’t even been there for a full day when the trouble started. We were all having dinner together, enjoying the breeze and the sound of the waves, when my other granddaughter, Jenny, said something about wanting to use our slide.

Dinner by the water | Source: Shutterstock

Dinner by the water | Source: Shutterstock

Robin, who hadn’t seen our villa yet, asked to see pictures. I showed her, thinking she’d be excited. Instead, she got upset. Really upset.

“You expect us to live like peasants while you have a 4000 sq ft villa with a sauna and pool? I want it!” she demanded, right there at the dinner table.

Woman gesturing being upset | Source: Shutterstock

Woman gesturing being upset | Source: Shutterstock

I couldn’t believe my ears. First off, nobody’s a peasant in Bora Bora. Second, we thought we’d done something nice by bringing everyone there.

Woman looking confused | Source: Shutterstock

Woman looking confused | Source: Shutterstock

I tried explaining to Robin that it wasn’t about the size of the room but about spending time together as a family. Plus, there was only one villa, and if we gave it to her, what would that say to the others?

But she wasn’t having any of it. She accused us of holding money over her head and stormed off, threatening to leave the next day.

An older woman arguing with a younger woman who looks away as another man sits in front of them | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman arguing with a younger woman who looks away as another man sits in front of them | Source: Shutterstock

John thought maybe we should just give in to keep the peace, but something in me just couldn’t do that. It wasn’t right. All we wanted was a nice family vacation, and now it felt like everything was falling apart because of a room.

A man listening to a woman who's touching his shoulder | Source: Shutterstock

A man listening to a woman who’s touching his shoulder | Source: Shutterstock

So, that night, I barely got a wink of sleep. John was out like a light, but me? I was tossing and turning, thinking about Robin and her tantrum over the villa.

It’s funny, you know? One minute they’re little, needing you for everything, and the next, they’re all grown up and demanding villas in Bora Bora.

A woman laying in bed awake | Source: Shutterstock

A woman laying in bed awake | Source: Shutterstock

I spent the whole night thinking about what to do. Part of me wanted to let Robin have her way just to stop the drama, but another part of me thought, “No, this is a chance to teach her a valuable lesson.”

A woman in deep thought while laying in bed | Source: Shutterstock

A woman in deep thought while laying in bed | Source: Shutterstock

So, the next morning, when Robin refused to come to breakfast and was acting like she wouldn’t join us for anything as long as we were there, I decided on a new approach.

Breakfast by the water | Source: Shutterstock

Breakfast by the water | Source: Shutterstock

I told everyone that if Robin and her husband really wanted to leave, I’d respect their decision and even help them find a flight back. I wasn’t kicking them out, but I also wasn’t going to beg them to stay.

Two women at a dining table peeling apples | Source: Shutterstock

Two women at a dining table peeling apples | Source: Shutterstock

I decided it was time to take action, not just stand by hoping Robin would come around. So, I did something I never thought I’d do on what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation: I went and booked a flight for Robin and her husband to head back home.

An older woman on the phone while looking at a laptop | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman on the phone while looking at a laptop | Source: Shutterstock

I know, it sounds harsh, right? But sometimes, you’ve got to cut the line to save the net, as my old friend used to say. I asked the hotel staff to cancel Robin’s and her husband’s remaining reservations. They were kind about it, understanding the family drama more than I wished they had to.

Receptionist taking a call | Source: Shutterstock

Receptionist taking a call | Source: Shutterstock

Then came the packing. The hotel staff, bless their hearts, went over to help Robin and her hubby pack up their things. I didn’t go with them; felt it was better to keep my distance.

A man packing clothes in a suitcase | Source: Shutterstock

A man packing clothes in a suitcase | Source: Shutterstock

But I stood there on our villa’s balcony, watching them, feeling a mix of sadness and, weirdly, relief. It was like finally deciding to take an old, broken-down fence to the dump. You didn’t want to see it go, but it had to be done for the new one to come in.

An older woman looking out from a balcony | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman looking out from a balcony | Source: Shutterstock

Breakfast was awkward. Everyone was tiptoeing around the elephant in the room, barely touching their tropical fruit plates. I decided it was time to clear the air. “Look,” I said, “last night got out of hand. We’re here to enjoy ourselves, not fight over who gets the fancier room.”

Untouched tropical breakfast spread | Source: Shutterstock

Untouched tropical breakfast spread | Source: Shutterstock

Just then, Robin storms in, looking like she’s ready to battle. “So, what, you’re kicking me out now?” she throws out, pointing a finger at me,

An angry woman pointing an accusatory finger | Source: Shutterstock

An angry woman pointing an accusatory finger | Source: Shutterstock

“No, Robin,” I sigh, “We’re not kicking you out. We just think if you’re so unhappy, maybe it’s best you head back. We want this vacation to be peaceful, you know?”

You could’ve heard a pin drop. Robin looked like she couldn’t decide if she was more shocked or angry. “I…I haven’t even looked up flights yet,” she stammers out, which was pretty much what I figured.

Woman looking upset | Source: Shutterstock

Woman looking upset | Source: Shutterstock

“Well, I already helped you with that,” I calmly said, trying to keep the peace but stay firm.

You should have seen the look on Robin’s face when she realized I wasn’t playing the game she expected. For so long, whenever she threw a fit, the family would scramble to make things right for her. Not this time. I was calm and firm. I said I’d miss her but understood if she felt she needed to go.

Woman looking surprised | Source: Shutterstock

Woman looking surprised | Source: Shutterstock

After they left, something unexpected happened. The rest of the family came together like never before. My other grandkids told me they were proud of how I handled the situation. They said the trip was more enjoyable without the constant drama Robin tended to bring.

An older woman and a younger woman smiling at each other | Source: Shutterstock

An older woman and a younger woman smiling at each other | Source: Shutterstock

And just like that, the vacation turned around. We enjoyed the villa, the slide, the ocean, and most importantly, each other’s company. It was a reminder that sometimes, standing your ground does more good than giving in to unreasonable demands.

A family enjoying at the beach | Source: Shutterstock

A family enjoying at the beach | Source: Shutterstock

So, that’s the story. It’s not just about a fancy villa or a family vacation gone wrong. It’s about setting boundaries, about respect, and about showing love in tough situations. And you know what? I think we all learned something valuable from it, even Robin, wherever she is.

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