Maintaining motivation in a world that seems to be getting darker and more gloomy by the day can be difficult. Considering the gravity of the problems the world faces, is there really nothing we can do to help?
Treating people like you would like to be treated is, in my opinion, the only appropriate course of action.
More good can come from small acts of compassion than we may ever know. Think about the story of the woman who, upon witnessing a lovely family, decided to assist them. She had no idea how much her insignificant deed would mean to them.
It ought to inspire people to lend a hand to friends, relatives, and even total strangers. Everything matters, regardless of how small.
On June 8, Joyce Rhinehart took her grandson Blake to Rita’s Italian Ice for ice cream. Just as Joyce and Blake were getting ready to leave, they noticed a family enjoying ice cream while seated on a bench outside.
Joyce shares content on Facebook. “I had to ask them if I could take their picture,” the speaker said.
After taking a picture with her phone, she sent it to the family’s daughter so she could email it to herself. The family thanked Joyce, and she forgot about the amazing encounter until she dropped Blake off at his place.

However, that is not the end of the story. A few days later Joyce received an SMS from an unknown number. When Joyce opened it and read it, she felt shivers run down her spine and she began to cry.
“Dear Madam, you snapped our photo in front of Rita’s on June 8th. Since my wife passed away yesterday, this is the last family portrait we have taken together. It means so much to me, so please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your consideration. I truly am grateful for your assistance.
Never underestimate the power of a tiny act of kindness. You never know; it could mean everything to the person on the other end.
Would you kindly help us promote this message of empathy, love, and community? If even one share can make the world a bit brighter, it will be worth it.

It sounds like such a tough situation! Halloween is supposed to be fun, but I can completely see how this went too far, especially for a young child. Here’s a possible approach that might help calm her fears and explain the situation:
First, try gently talking to your daughter and validating her feelings. Tell her it’s okay to feel scared and that even grown-ups can be spooked sometimes. Then, explain that Halloween is a time when people dress up to look silly or different from how they usually do – even adults! You could say, “Grandma was just pretending to be a witch, like when you dress up as a princess or a superhero.”
If she’s still worried, maybe go through some pictures together, like showing her photos of grandma without the costume. You could even do a fun little makeup session at home where you both take turns “transforming” each other, so she can see that makeup and costumes are just ways to play pretend.
Later, maybe you and your mother-in-law can arrange a calm, positive visit where she can be herself, maybe even in “happy” colors instead of the dark ones that might remind your daughter of the witch costume. Hopefully, it will help replace those scary memories with warmer ones, and grandma can be back in her good books soon!
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