She was the face of 70s and 80s ‘Cover Girl’. This beauty is now seventy. This is her today

Christie Brinkley was born Christie Lee Hudson on February 2, 1954, in Monroe, Michigan, USA. Raised in Los Angeles, California, she attended Palisades High School before studying art in Paris, France.

Modeling Career
Christie’s modeling career took off when she was discovered in a post office in Paris by American photographer Errol Sawyer.

She gained fame in the late 1970s and 1980s, most notably as the face of CoverGirl, a role she held for an unprecedented 25 years. She appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue three consecutive times from 1979 to 1981, cementing her status as a top model.

A Beauty Not of This World. A man from the U.S. who had tattoos all over his body showed us what he looked like without them.

An ordinary American made a decision once that would alter his or her entire life. Since obtaining his first tattoo a few years ago, Tristan has continued to add to his collection.

Tristan is currently covered in a detailed ink painting. In a recent surprise to his followers, he posted photos of himself before changing. At first, Tristan’s friends were perplexed since they couldn’t identify him in the old pictures.

In those earlier photos, Tristan didn’t resemble himself in the least. He had a vintage Hollywood appearance and was a redhead with blue eyes. Tristan’s admirers praised him profusely in the comments and exhorted him to look for work in Hollywood because he looked so wonderful.

However, despite all the affection, some people were unable to conceal their melancholy.

A handful of the American’s upset pals remarked, “He ruined himself.”

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