Teenage girl dies of cancer – when her mom looks at her coffin, her heart is filled with warmth

Laura Hilfer of Ontario, Canada, was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of thirteen. After intensive treatments, she was declared cancer free, but her and her family’s happiness was short lived as the disease returned again four years later.

Heartrendingly, this young and beautiful soul lost her battle to cancer on January 20, 2016.

Her family shared the devastating news on the social media through the Facebook page dedicated to Laura’s progress and struggles while she was still alive.

“She fought bravely and all of you would have been so proud of her. Her poise, her courage, her strength and her pure spirit shone through right until the end,” her family wrote.

The Nelson High School student was loved by many. She touched the lives of everyone she had encountered, and it was now her friends’ turn to show her just how much she meant to them.

Facebook / Match For Laura

They covered her casket with notes, expressing their gratitude, their love, as well as their sorrow that came with her passing.

Their wish was that Laura receive a love-filled farewell worth of a beloved friend and student.

Not only her classmates and teachers, but her family, neighbors, and even the hospital staff all penned tributes to her on her casket.

Facebook / Match For Laura

When they saw their daughter’s casket, Laura’s family were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support.

One of the messages read, “You were musical. You were artistic. You were understanding. You were my bestest friend.” Another read: “Very brave and strong. You will always be a hero.”

Laura’s favorite color, purple, was on display at the church and on people’s clothes.

Sadly, Laura left this world, but the outpouring of love from her local community was heartwarming to see.

May she rest in peace.

‘Relationship Expert’ Wants Parents To Get Baby’s Consent Before Changing A Nappy

If there is one thing we are certain of in life, it’s the fact that people have an opinion. Some will even try to voice that opinion as loud as possible, despite the fact that very few people are listening.

The Internet really makes it easy for anyone to have such an opinion and to voice it for the world to hear. The funny thing is that the stranger the opinion, the more press it seems to receive.

That is what one expert is now experiencing, thanks to their unusual recommendation for parents. They are a self-proclaimed relationship expert, and they said that parents should ask for permission before changing a diaper.

We realize that there are a lot of issues revolving around consent these days, and it can be difficult to navigate them. As far as many parents are concerned, however, asking a baby’s permission before changing a dirty diaper is just out of the question.

To be honest, most parents are not very happy about the fact that they have to change diapers but it is a necessity if you are going to raise your children happy and healthy. Adding the extra layer of having to ask permission before doing so is above and beyond.

The woman who made this claim says that she is a ‘sexuality educator, speaker, and author.’ Her name is Deanne Carson and her unusual recommendation for parents is making waves.

She was on ABC in 2018 to share these insights. She said that this is typically done with children above the age of three but she also feels that consent is important to introduce at a much younger age.

She does admit that babies will not be able to verbally respond to the request for consent, but they should be able to give nonverbal communication with eye contact and in other forms.

She claims that it’s about setting up a culture of consent in the home, and asking if it is okay to change the nappy before doing so.

Carson went further to explain the process, saying that allowing a moment for anticipation and waiting for any nonverbal cues can help parents and toddlers communicate on a deeper level.

Perhaps the most interesting thing was the way the reporters reacted to the suggestion. Not only were they very verbal, but they were also wondering what would happen if the baby said no.

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